
…try me with your eyes closed and I will take you to heaven…

creamed honey with candied orange and dark chocolate

My nostrils were filled with the smell of the orange tree blending with scent of salt, when I was listening to the sounds of late afternoon, lying idly in the hammock. The sounds of fishermen working, seagulls looking for food and children playing cheerfully were suddenly escorted by the sound of the footsteps of my chocolate goddess. When I opened up my eyes, the Sun, sparkling off the sea, blinded my eyes and, after coming to, I was blinded by her dazzling smile.

Sweet oranges from Eve’s garden smelled fragrantly, making us cheerful when we dipped and simmered them in honey and mead, then adding top quality dark chocolate and dipping them in delicious creamed honey. The flavour of orange invigorates and makes you cheerful; chocolate strengthens the heart and spirit, while honey, with its therapeutic effects, rounds them all up into a pampering and joyful trinity.

  • 280g / 278ml
  • 190g / 191ml
  • 100g / 106ml
  • 45g / 47ml
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© Copyright - Evin gaj | Vizualno oblikovanje blagovne znamke: Elida Hostnik, ELIDREAM | Izdelava: Janez Mikec